By interacting with this website you agree to allow SW Laser Pty Ltd to contact you via our usual routes of communication (email, telephone, SMS or private messages on social media).

We may ask you to provide additional tattoo information (location, age, size of tattoo), medical or health information relevant to our services and provide general information before attending our clinic (aftercare, laser preparation advice etc).

We may ask you to attach a de-identified photograph of your tattoo to provide an accurate quote and estimated number of sessions. If you do not wish to provide us with photography or certain information you are not obliged to. However, we may not be able to give you an accurate quote and withholding medical information may impact your treatment and suitability for tattoo removal. Please review our Privacy Policy for how we collect, store and protect personal identifying information.

We may use your contact details for newsletters, clinic updates and feedback for our services. If you do not wish for contact of this nature, please let us know when we make the first contact or email us directly at (info@swlaser.com.au).